Good article Ben. As a new independent pharmacy owner as of January 1, 2024 of a pharmacy that's been in business since 1886. I can tell you that I feel the pressure every day of keeping the doors open. Follow me on tiktok and twitter where I post videos about fighting PBMs!

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Good luck!

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Incredible work Ben. I don't have the answers but I do know this will get worse before it gets better. I am a positive person, I know that the aggressive, business savvy, well funded independent pharmacy owners out there will 'do well' growing their businesses through acquisition of troubled pharmacy businesses, I hope we have a lot more taking over other pharmacies instead of shutting down. With According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of the United States on September 16, 2024 was 337,116,365. By 2027 it's estimated the population to be 341.69 million. We're not going to have enough pharmacies.

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1) unfortunately, a large fraction of the acquisitions are to the usual suspects, the big chains, including a surprising number of acquisitions by the literally-just-exited-bankruptcy Rite Aid, if you read the news stories.

2) The US already has much lower pharmacy access than the majority of comparable OECD countries. The OECD average is 28 pharmacies/100,000 population, vs. the US was at ~20 pharmacies/100,000 population in 2021. https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/1ce785db-en.pdf

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Good article. I appreciate the data you collected. I shared this on LinkedIn.

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thanks for sharing!

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That Frankenstein industry is shutting down and we'll be going back to more natural remedies and such.

Big Pharma is OVER along with their toxic drug pushing ways.

Join the New Earth!

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Our medical system is totally broken. Thank you

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